Directed by Kathryn Bigelow
It turned out to be quite a tough choice between the number one and two films on this list. It’s absolutely no disgrace to THE HURT LOCKER that it came in second. This is our first truly great feature film made about the war in Iraq. It’s telling that it’s not an examination of the political manoeuvring that led us into an unpopular/illegal war. In fact, the politics of the situation do not matter one bit. Nor do the feelings of those people back home, this is a film solely concerned with the war. It’s an out and out thriller. From the very first scene onwards, there’s barely a moment to relax. By avoiding the sermonising tone of other films about the same subject, THE HURT LOCKER can afford the time to allow us to get to know the characters we’re following. This process is aided by terrific performances from the three leads: Brian Geraghty, Antony Mackie and, particularly, Jeremy Renner in what should be an Oscar nominated performance. And, while we’re talking about Oscars, there’s little doubt in my mind that THE HURT LOCKER should win Best Picture at the ceremony on March 7th, nor that the Academy should give Kathryn Bigelow the Best Director award, and, thus make her the first woman to receive the honour. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that this is overly awards-conscious fare, though. It’s not, this is the best action film of the year, and damn close to being the best film.
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